This week ends the three-part discussion on abortion and the Supreme Court, discussing cases that have shaped the Court's undue burden test that evaluates State laws that attempt to regulate or embolden a woman's right to choose. Brett and Nazim also discuss two cases which will likely go before the Supreme Court this term, which deal with a continuation of the Hobby Lobby decision and heightened regulations for clinics performing abortion services.
This week's podcast attempts the inenviable task of discussing Roe v. Wade without upsetting anybody. This week covers Roe, Webster v. Planning Services, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey to outline what rights we have under the Constitution following the cases and under what grounds the Supreme Court tied abortion in to the Constituion. If that all seems to dark for you, we also propose a Supreme Court fantasy league for the upcoming term and Nazim explains why he likes people posting pictures of food on social media.
Your boys are back and discussing the wild world of substantive due process. After recounting their short break and sharing what vegetables they learned were gross in the last two weeks, Brett and Nazim begin a three-part discussion on substantive due process, abortion, and Roe v. Wade. This week covers the background of the right to privacy we have in the Constitution, even though those words are not actually written anywhere.